Generate interest in your company’s solutions and stay top of mind until prospects are ready to buy. Send your message across the web to hard-to-reach audiences by leveraging our audience of industry professionals.
We can help you put your display and video ads in front of relevant professionals before they start searching for what you offer. Our Audience360 Extension targets our niche audience on Google’s Display Network to help you capture someone’s attention earlier in the buying cycle. You reach visitors who have visited our websites and/or fit a job function in a particular field while working in a targeted geographic location. Our audience of professionals may see your ad on a news website, blog, YouTube or somewhere else on the web. This increased exposure complements advertising on our sites and will drive additional click-throughs and conversions.
A Display Audience Extension Program Can:
- Quickly connect your brand with our website visitors by showing relevant ads as they browse browse elsewhere on the internet or spend time on YouTube
- Reach a niche audience of professionals at maximum scale without risk of wasting marketing expenditures on non-qualified customers
- Create campaign timelines that cater to your objectives whether it be a quick push before an event or a push of traffic to your website
- Amplify an existing campaign such as Native Advertising or White Papers